River News!

Hi everyone!

My name is Carlos, also known as millocumbiero, and I am the author of the River news section in English. It took me awhile to join the forum but now that I’m here, I hope all of you who visit my section communicate with me via this section.

If you want to know the latest news on River, make sure to click on the “River in English” link on the top right corner of the main page. Also, check my site at | RIVERPLATEMYSPACE - Home |

Talk to you soon!

Carlos (River News) :cool:

Hi everyone!

My name is Carlos, also known as millocumbiero, and I am the author of the River news section in English. It took me awhile to join the forum but now that I’m here, I hope all of you who visit my section communicate with me via this section.

If you want to know the latest news on River, make sure to click on the “River in English” link on the top right corner of the main page. Also, check my site at | RIVERPLATEMYSPACE - Home |

Talk to you soon!

Carlos (River News) :cool:

hola carlos… no se si sos nuevo o no pero bue… te doy la bienvenida… :stuck_out_tongue: yua visite tu site… esta bueno… ta con toda la onda… segui asi…

p/d: alguien traduce lo mio por favor??? jejeje


Hey Carlos, I live in florida too…anyway
it is so nice to know that there are more river fans around
in fl…,(the majority are bosteros)
add me as a friend, maybe someday we can go and play some futbol hahaa,

damn it orazio…what the fuck suposes to mean that the majority are bosteros??? why u dont shut the fuck up!!! come to argentina and u will see… damn it i think that u are bostero to…

este norteamericano de florida dice que ahi mas bosteros que hinchas de la banda… por favor…

no te calentes, habla de florida, no de argentina

Mira boludo de mierda…si no sabes hablar ingles no te metas a opinar
indio estupido…lo que dije que aca en Miami hay mas hinchas indios como vos de la bosta, ignorante!..no te pongas a opinar
y con ese ingles de mierda que tenes ni se te ocurra asomar la cabezota por aca…Estupido!
PS: bostero la reputa que te pario:D

Wow you are an author of the River news section, congratulations :wink:
But here in Argentina we hate a little the journalists :S

tranqui loco,si se empiezan a putear asi por una pelotudez se va todo a la mierda…

che chicos no se peleen
bienvenido carlos

Saludos a todos los miembros que respondieron.

Yo tambien hablo, escribo, y leo en Castellano. Aunque naci en EEUU, soy de padres Argentinos, y me considero Argentino asi que tranquilos.

It’s all good though because I’m glad to be communicating with all of you and this year seems to be a great one.

Welcome Carlos!!! Welcome a the River Plate Forum!!!

papa aca somos todos hermanos eh !!

che a uds le viene cualquier cosa bien para empezar a putearse no?? jejeje…


emm, bienvenido carlos,
me lleve ingles a marzo, asi q no entiendo NADA


Tranquilo Brian que aca estamos todos para aprender, incluyendo yo. :wink: