"Ortega you broke my heart"

Ariel Ortega again did one of his famous “Drunken” appearences on Saturday before practice…Simeone noticed that he could not even jog (just imagine what kind of a hangover he must have had) and told one of his colabarators to tell him to go to sleep in his room…and yes that is what he said…obviously Ortega was drunk…anyways Ortega did just that apparently and left the concentration…only to find out later he was not going to play in fact he was not even going to be in the bench…oh God imagine Ortega…Ortega went on TV saying Simeone (the coach) used him throughout the whole tornament…and not putting him in the last game since River was already champ…excluding him from the festival made Ortega very angry as one can imagine…
obviously this was a punishment that Simeone gave to Ortega…who in my opinion brought it on himself…this isnt the first time Ortega does these sort of cherades…Ortega is a very undisiciplined player but nevertheless has a addiction with Alcohol which doesn’t let him be at peace…this we must also understand…

so what does our “intelligent” president do?..gives him a bigger contract…which in fact makes matters worst…

Ortega has had other problems which just recently has come out…Ortega seems to has gotten in fist fights with other players…or player…it seems the player is Abreu…and possibly Ferrari…Abreu has left River for Jerusalem…after clearly stating that he was going to stay…Abreu was not in the festival with River either becuase he left to Uruguay…of course he left because he was mad…and nobody knows why Ferrari was not in the celebrations either…Ortega is out of control and nobody seems to want to get in his way…mostly due to the fact that Ortega is almost God in RIver and anyone foolish enough to go against him would mean he would also be going against all the River fans…

this is all so sad that we River fans instead of celebrating must also put up with these sort of things…what do i think the solutions are?

  1. Ortega must retire…not go to another team…not stay in River…Retire and get treated…for his health and his familys well being…not Rivers well being…but for his familys well being

  2. Simeone must stay as coach…not Merlo nor Passarella could make River once again champions but Simeone did…and in only 6 months…without any penaltys in favor and many against…with Ortega’s problems and the media giving him shit ALWAYS…he also made River the least scored upon team with 14 goles against if i’m not mistaken…last season they scored 33 goles against River…yes 33…this season only 14…what a diference…

  3. if i say Aguilar must leave then i would just be saying what all River fans say but what the hell i’ll say it…“Aguilar please leave”

Thank you for reading


Ariel Ortega again did one of his famous “Drunken” appearences on Saturday before practice…Simeone noticed that he could not even jog (just imagine what kind of a hangover he must have had) and told one of his colabarators to tell him to go to sleep in his room…and yes that is what he said…obviously Ortega was drunk…anyways Ortega did just that apparently and left the concentration…only to find out later he was not going to play in fact he was not even going to be in the bench…oh God imagine Ortega…Ortega went on TV saying Simeone (the coach) used him throughout the whole tornament…and not putting him in the last game since River was already champ…excluding him from the festival made Ortega very angry as one can imagine…
obviously this was a punishment that Simeone gave to Ortega…who in my opinion brought it on himself…this isnt the first time Ortega does these sort of cherades…Ortega is a very undisiciplined player but nevertheless has a addiction with Alcohol which doesn’t let him be at peace…this we must also understand…

so what does our “intelligent” president do?..gives him a bigger contract…which in fact makes matters worst…

Ortega has had other problems which just recently has come out…Ortega seems to has gotten in fist fights with other players…or player…it seems the player is Abreu…and possibly Ferrari…Abreu has left River for Jerusalem…after clearly stating that he was going to stay…Abreu was not in the festival with River either becuase he left to Uruguay…of course he left because he was mad…and nobody knows why Ferrari was not in the celebrations either…Ortega is out of control and nobody seems to want to get in his way…mostly due to the fact that Ortega is almost God in RIver and anyone foolish enough to go against him would mean he would also be going against all the River fans…

this is all so sad that we River fans instead of celebrating must also put up with these sort of things…what do i think the solutions are?

  1. Ortega must retire…not go to another team…not stay in River…Retire and get treated…for his health and his familys well being…not Rivers well being…but for his familys well being

  2. Simeone must stay as coach…not Merlo nor Passarella could make River once again champions but Simeone did…and in only 6 months…without any penaltys in favor and many against…with Ortega’s problems and the media giving him shit ALWAYS…he also made River the least scored upon team with 14 goles against if i’m not mistaken…last season they scored 33 goles against River…yes 33…this season only 14…what a diference…

  3. if i say Aguilar must leave then i would just be saying what all River fans say but what the hell i’ll say it…“Aguilar please leave”

Thank you for reading


What resumes my opinion is: “Hmmmmmmmmm”… Im kinda confused.

Anyway, good job on this article, Rocky.
Here are my thoughts…
I’ve always supported Ortega, strongly. But I didn’t know he got to fist-fighting with Abreu and Ferrari. If this is true, i don’t know what’s best for River. Should he stay, it will creater further division among players. So now, i don’t know what to say!!! I want him to stay, but I want Ferrari and others to stay as well and I deff want Cholo to stay. He’s done a great job thus far…

Soooo… I just DON’T KNOW.
Only time will tell…

Emi i’m not exactly sure if he had a fight with Abreu…it must have been him because they said Ortega got in a fight with a “referente” type player who is leaving River Plate…and right away the news came that Abreu left River and was not in the celebrations after the game…Ferrari was not in the celebrations either but no one knows why…Ferrari is also a “referente” so is Ahumada…
hopefully cholo stays he has to stay…he’s done an outstanding job…but if Ortega leaves or retires who will come?..we need someone equally like him atleast…and there arent many names out there…

ortega is a borrached men


que ganas de escribir al pedo que tienen algunos

I agree, Ortega MUST treat his addiction for his own well being, also I believe Simeone is a great coach, he should stay in River, but I feel that if Ortega retires or leaves now he won’t be seen as the great player he is, he will be seen as an alcoholic who left River in a bad way.

Tanto que se habla de Ortega…

Que sera de la vida de Emanuel?

that may be true but if he does retire now he will also be retiring a champion…not many are able to do that…but of course we now know that Ortega is going to go on to play in River and el Cholo is still our coach…one can only hope that they are able to bond for River Plate…

take care


Yeah, hopefully they get along for the team’s well being.

Abrazo. :wink:

Para que meirida escriben en inmgles !

Para que gente q no habla Español entienda…!

que pregunta inteligente hiso…nisiquiera sabe escribir en Castellano

Pregunta del millon :roll:

jaja despues te contesto

because this foro is for write in english
(horrible mi ingles xD)
sera por que dice que en esta parte del foro solo se puede hablar en ingles
por eso escriben en ingles xD

Ortega is one of the best football player… that has been in RIVER PLATE!!!