Life After Passarella


I hope that Passarella leaving will bring better times to River, who should be the next Head coach/Manager?

Maybe Simeone?


I hope that Passarella leaving will bring better times to River, who should be the next Head coach/Manager?

Maybe Simeone?

no se un carajo de ingles… jajajajajaaj

a… simeone, Borghi, Pekerman, Astrada :D, jaja
Ramon diaz



maruchita: espero que la salida de passarella le brinde a river mejores tiempos, quien debe ser el proximo tecnico/entrenador?
si no me eqivoco es algo asi lo q qiso decir

gracias kandi…creia que me estaba tomando el pelo


Te mande un MP con la traduccion, pero ya aparecio kandi y lo hizo tambien! jaja


vi luz i entre :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello brother, where are u from? Well, we still dont know whos going to be our next Couch…We wanted Ramon Diaz, but he will be in San Lorenzo next season…The same with Simeone…He will be in Estudiantes…So…the big question…WHO NOW? Maybe, Borghi, he is Colo-Colo (Chile team) couch but He is one of the candidates…

The true is my friend that the couch is not the problem but the players are!!! They are playing very very bad!!! And If I were River president, U can be sure that lots of them will not continue…

Take care m8…who team do you support?

Our River Plate will going until the Reconquest. With Who as Coach? I think it will Be Claudio Borghi.

Hopefully our retarded board hires Simeone as the next coach, i think he is the best posibility after Ramon Diaz rejected being our coach.

Well Friend, I am from Manchester in England! I support Man United but I cannot afford to go watch them so I go to watch my local team Hyde United who play in red and white - Just Like River and Man Unite!

Hyde United’s Ground is very near to my house so it’s easy to follow them!! >> Hyde United Official Website <<

I’ve always liked River since when I heard of them as a youngster! The shirt is the best shirt for a start. I hope to go to a River game one day and also watch Argentina national side too!

I collect River shirts and have many, Also Argentina national team too!

I hear that Simeone will take control, I hope this is good news for River!

Peace!! :slight_smile:

wooow :open_mouth: estas re lej1os… y te manejas jaja

sorry paso m i gata

Yea, most likely Simeone is coming.
There are a few problems though, Estudiantes (his former club) is bitching about him leaving the club like he did, they want him to stay at least 6 more months, so he has to sort that out with Estudiantes so he can finally sign a contract with River. Hopefully it happens soon enough so we can start preparingfor the upcoming season.

PD: Good luck with ur team mate, it is always nice to have supporters from another part of the world. :slight_smile: