Hemale o shemale?

Actividad para este jueves poco productivo.

Ingresen a esta página: HeMale or SheMale?

Realicen el test y posteen sus resultados. A ver cuantos de uds tienen buen ojo y no los han engañado :expressionless:

Acá vá el mio:

[i]Here are your results:

You got 10 out of 12 right, or about 83%.
A very good score! It looks like you can troll the singles bars with almost total impunity. Just don’t get cocky. [/i]

Actividad para este jueves poco productivo.

Ingresen a esta página: HeMale or SheMale?

Realicen el test y posteen sus resultados. A ver cuantos de uds tienen buen ojo y no los han engañado :expressionless:

Acá vá el mio:

[i]Here are your results:

You got 10 out of 12 right, or about 83%.
A very good score! It looks like you can troll the singles bars with almost total impunity. Just don’t get cocky. [/i]

me fallo el ojo un par de veces…

Here are your results: You got 9 out of 12 right, or about 75%.
Unless you drink too much you shouldn’t be in any danger of finding an “outie” when you were expecting an “innie”

You got 7 out of 12 right, or about 58% jajaja creo q a varias le daba pero no dejo de sorprenderem jajaja

Here are your results: You got 9 out of 12 right, or about 75%.
Unless you drink too much you shouldn’t be in any danger of finding an “outie” when you were expecting an “innie”

Uh, vos estás complicado eh.

You got 10 out of 12 right, or about 83%.
A very good score! It looks like you can troll the singles bars with almost total impunity. Just don’t get cocky.


ehhh q queres decir??? q puedo llegar a comerme uno y no darme cuenta??? jajaja

No podrías haberlo expresado mejor.


Igualmente, no se como harás para “no darte cuenta”. Porque si pela el chorongo, es evidente que mujer no es.

ere are your results: You got 11 out of 12 right, or about 92%.
Almost a perfect score! Anyone can make a mistake once, so don’t feel bad.

Jajajaa, buenísimo

Here are your results: You got 8 out of 12 right, or about 67%.
This is a pretty good score, but you could do better. Make sure you meet your dates in a well-lit room.

jajaj yo tengo 4 de 12 la puta madre
igual lo hice asi nomas xD

You got 8 out of 12 right, or about 67%.
igual a la china le puse macho xq pense q era para cagarte…

digamos que de cada 3 chicas que te encaras…2 en verdad eran hombres…je

You got 9 out of 12 right, or about 75%.
Unless you drink too much you shouldn’t be in any danger of finding an “outie” when you were expecting an “innie”

You got 10 out of 12 right, or about 83%.
A very good score! It looks like you can troll the singles bars with almost total impunity. Just don’t get cocky.

You got 6 out of 12 right, or about 50%.

pal el ojete

You got 9 out of 12 right, or about 75%.
Unless you drink too much you shouldn’t be in any danger of finding an “outie” when you were expecting an “innie”

No entiendo un carajo pero no presiento nada bueno en esto

You got 10 out of 12 right, or about 83%.
A very good score! It looks like you can troll the singles bars with almost total impunity. Just don’t get cocky.

no se ingles (?)