A big cheese in Geneva?

Hi Good people,
Just wondering if anyone knows where I can order a large cheese for a friend
in Switzerland ? :slight_smile:
I’m in Sydney Australia and its hard to know where a quality place would be to deliver a cheese in Geneva.
Anyone help ?
Many thanks,

Teddy Fitzgerald
btw. my friend has just been promoted, and a big cheese seemed appropriate . . . :smiley:

Hi Good people,
Just wondering if anyone knows where I can order a large cheese for a friend
in Switzerland ? :slight_smile:
I’m in Sydney Australia and its hard to know where a quality place would be to deliver a cheese in Geneva.
Anyone help ?
Many thanks,

Teddy Fitzgerald
btw. my friend has just been promoted, and a big cheese seemed appropriate . . . :smiley:

Me podrias contestar hacia donde corre el agua de tu retrete?


jajajajajaja…estuvistes bien campeon!!! jajajaja

si cuando apoyas el culo y tiras la cadena el agua va en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj, tu casa esta poseida

asi que tenes que saber bien cuando tenes que mover el culo de ahi


fijense lo que me salio cunado lo quote

[quote=“TeddyFG”][color=#9f0002] [color=#9f0002] Hi Good people,
Just wondering if anyone knows where I can order a large cheese for a friend
in Switzerland ? :slight_smile:
I’m in Sydney Australia and its hard to know where a quality place would be to deliver a cheese in Geneva.
Anyone help ?
Many thanks,

Teddy Fitzgerald
btw. my friend has just been promoted, and a big cheese seemed appropriate . . . [url=http://www.freewebtown.com/airfares/airplane-

estas son las porongas que cagan el foro aparte qeu este tema ta hace banda y ningun moderador lo borro…ahi tendria uqe haber un gran cambio…