¿Qué tan rápido tipeas ?

You type 358 characters per minute
You have 43 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words

A mi me hace equivocar la palabra nesesitar por que la escribo mal coom ahora.

ni la hago a la prueba escribo mal todo el tienpo jajajua

You reached 155 points, so you achieved position 51858 of 73534 on the ranking list

You type 203 characters per minute
You have 23 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words


You reached 527 points, so you achieved position 97 of 73538 on the ranking list

You type 811 characters per minute
You have 93 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words

You reached 2 points, so you achieved position 2 of 73538 on the ranking list

You type 7.365.125 characters per days
You have 2 correct words and
you have 7.365123 wrong words


Che se les suma un competidor bravo me parece y eso que fue mi primer intento

[b]You reached 396 points, so you achieved position 1876 of 73622 on the ranking list

You type 502 characters per minute
You have 65 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words[/b]

You reached 298 points, so you achieved position 11603 of 73670 on the ranking list

You type 362 characters per minute
You have 47 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words

47 words

[i]You reached 399 points, so you achieved position 1756 of 73695 on the ranking list

You type 464 characters per minute
You have 59 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words[i]

Mañana sigo porque estoy tipeando con todo y mi hermana me puteea que me calle que quiere dormir je

You reached 527 points, so you achieved position 95 of 73702 on the ranking list

You type 816 characters per minute
You have 94 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words


Tenes un torpedo en la mano hijo de puta ?

Ya te voy a alcanzar jeje , me quedo con el segundo puesto foristico mientras (?) o alguno puso un puntaje mas alto

mi vieja es profesora de mecanografia.:cool:

Juampi está segundo creo.

asi es.

You reached 134 points, so you achieved position 58062 of 73853 on the ranking list

You type 161 characters per minute
You have 22 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words

Que bajon!!! :frowning:

You reached 335 points, so you achieved position 6312 of 73955 on the ranking list

You type 412 characters per minute
You have 54 correct words and
you have 0 wrong

y yo que pensaba que escribia rapido… :roll:

36 palabras por minuto

286 caracteres por minuto, es decir…mas de 17mil caracteres por hora.

Esta bastante bien. Estaba viendo que para algunos laburos de Data Entry en grandes empresas piden 12mil/hora

Estoy muy por arriba de esa marca jojojojojojo

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


You reached 183 points, so you achieved position 43271 of 74031 on the ranking list

You type 234 characters per minute
You have 30 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words

buee… media lenta